Sweet Potato Palak Wrap & Cinnamon Dipping Sauce

Jul 25, 2023Aeran Schmid

Ingredients for Sweet Potato Palak

Ingredients for Tangy Cinnamon Dipping Sauce

Serves 4

This vegetarian wrap is really spicy, but not hot spicy as you would think. It’s full of spicy flavour! There are notes of warming cinnamon, nutty cumin, and sweet and salty caramelized onion. This recipe is so packed with flavour you will not even miss the meat!

Add 2 tbsp of butter to a large cast iron skillet or dutch oven. Once melted and hot, add 2 chopped onions. Continue to stir and cook until onions are golden brown and have caramelized. While onions are cooking boil water. Put tamarinds into a glass bowl and pour 3 cups of boiling water over them. Allow them to sit and rest. Break up the tamarinds with a fork as they soften.

After onions are caramelized add all the spices, salt and garlic. This mixture will add a flavour-packed punch that your taste buds had been dreaming about. The key to unlocking the flavour of turmeric and other spices is to heat them in a fat source before adding any water. If your onions seem dry add a bit more butter or you can use coconut oil. Heat spices for 1-2 minutes stirring constantly until they are fragrant. 

Take your diced tomatoes you can use fresh or canned diced tomatoes if they are not in season. Add 1 cup of water and allow mixture to cook for 2 minutes. If you are finding your skillet is too full transfer to a pot or dutch oven after all the browned bits have come loose. Rinse chickpeas under cool water with colander and add. Add the diced sweet potato and stir to incorporate. If mixture seems dry add a bit more water. 

Cover and allow to simmer on low for 15 minutes or until sweet potatoes are firm but can be pierced with a fork. Smaller chunks will cook faster. Do not overcook the sweet potatoes or they will become mushy. 

Start the dipping sauce by pressing the tamarinds through a colander. You basically want to keep most of the pulp out or any seeds. If you substituted dates then make sure all pits are removed and any stringy stuff is removed. Compost the chunky bits left over and pour the liquid into a medium skillet. Add all other ingredients and heat through. The sauce will thicken slightly, but once its boiled for 30 seconds it is done. Set aside. 

Check your sweet potatoes and once tender add the chopped spinach and stir. Heat dish until spinach has wilted, but it still bright green around 5 minutes.    

To assemble put sweet potato palak onto a tortilla. Put dipping sauce into little dishes for everyone at the table. Everyone can dip their tortilla wraps into the sauce and enjoy! Don’t skip the sauce its so tangy with hints of cinnamon and a sweet and sour flavour that will make this dish a favorite.

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